GreenUp was my senior project at SFSU in 2013.

GreenUp: an environmental incident reporting website


The purpose of GreenUp is to provide a platform for citizens to report environmental issues in their city. It gives users the ability to post an image as well as a location for the incident and also provides city workers the ability to view and resolve the incidents.


The project was developed with an Agile methodology with a focus on client feedback. With an agile approach we constantly re-evaluated our progress, making sure we were developing solid features that worked the way the client (the city) expected. To facilitate this we had bi-weekly Scrums to make sure everything was on track and no one was blocked.


The team went with a typical LAMP stack for development of this project and it was deployed to amazon web services. We also used SVN as our version control system. The frameworks used were slim for php and bootstrap for the front end.

My Part

Ultimately this was a team project and each member helped in multiple areas of the site, but I was responsible for the backend. I wrote the code for user registration, login, image upload, CRUD functions for interacting with the database, and the session code. I also helped with the design of the database as our original design was good, but overly complicated for the scope of this project.

What I Learned

The biggest lesson I learned during this assignment wasn’t about programming, it was about team work. There were over performers and under performers, competing ideas, heated discussion, but we were a team with one goal; releasing our product on time. Some features had to be cut and were saved for a future update but all priority one functionality was completed and released by the deadline.

  • This site was previously hosted at but has since been taken down.